Monday, 5 January 2015

Chills, Chocolate and Another City | Winter Break

Happy New Year, Bonne AnnĂ© and Frohes Neues Jahr! To usher in the New Year I'm back at home, which has meant a lot of travelling, a lot of celebrating and a lot of revision. 
While back in Manchester, I suffered a week of freak weather. I've been here a year and a half now, so thought it safe to assume that I was familiar with the cold and wet that Manchester is known for How wrong I was. We were hit by hail, sunshine, snow and rain in the space of a few days. I don't mind a chill, and I love some sun, but I wish Manchester would make up its mind!

To warm ourselves up a little and distract ourselves from a horrific influx of revision, me and a couple of friends piled into a local cafe, Home Sweet Home, in Manchester's Northern Quarter and got our hands on some of Manchester's finest hot chocolate. Not a bad decision, I must say.

Manchester's finest
From there, it was time to head home. One long car journey later, and I was pulling myself out of bed at 5:30 to go into University with my sister. Thankfully, I'm on holiday now, so no classes for me. I spent my day meandering round Clifton and enjoying the sunrise from the Boston Tea Party cafe.

Fingers crossed my exams go well!
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