Sunday, 1 March 2015

In the name of Art

You might be sensing a pattern by now... Sorry Schäzte, second year is proving a hell of a lot more hectic than expected! First semester climaxed with an extremely stressful bout of exams, and second semester has launched us straight into the winding vortex of deadlines and presentations. Take no prisoners though, right? Yeah, I'm not sure about that one either.

But there is good news... After scuffling and scampering around, desperately trying to pull together plans for my Year Abroad, I received a superbly uplifting email a few weeks ago. So what are les nouvelles? Well...

So panic over (for first semester at least)! Come September, I'll be jet setting off to la Ville Lumière to study at the Sorbonne! Can you hear the excited squeals? All excitement aside, I'm starting to get unbearably anxious about the workload I'm going to face - not only will all teaching and exams be in French, but at one of the world's most prestigious Universities, it would be plain foolish not to expect a heavy workload. I suppose now's the time to start getting my language up to scratch (God help me). What's more, the search for a job in Germany or Austria for the second semester continues. 

In the mean time, I've been busy with an old hobby of mine. You first saw it in the summer, and it has surfaced again over Christmas and through this painfully cold winter: the solace of watercolours. Admittedly, I've been painting a lot more than I should. Something about an impending deadline just makes me want to paint, what can I say? Here's a look at a couple:

A 10-minute watercolour inspired by a film poster for Blue Velvet
One of my ultimate mantras
Ok, so I'm not so creative with my concepts.

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