Tuesday, 13 October 2015

Surviving Sign-Up at the Sorbonne

I'm finally signed up for all my classes. I kid you not, it took me over 2 weeks, and I must have walked about 15 miles to different offices to get it done, but it's done. Unfortunately, it's not like most UK Unis, where you just log in online and choose your courses. You have to consult physical catalogues of courses available, figure out which ones fit, which ones give you enough ECTs (the equivalent of credits), and then you have to fill in forms and take them to the respective departments. I'm now realising that I sound like a whiney millennial, "Why can't I do it online?" But honestly, it would make life a lot easier.

Anyhow, here are a couple of things I'd tell myself a few weeks ago if I had the chance, which would have made the whole process easier.


Spot the difficulty
First step is choosing your courses. There are a few things you need to look out for when you are picking your classes, and finding these things first will let you skip the awkward "Oh crap, that doesn't work, now I have to do it all again" phase. Firstly, make sure your classes don't clash - that goes without saying. None of us are Hermione, we don't have time turners, and we can't be in two places at once, so make sure your classes aren't at the same time. Secondly, take account of which campus your classes are on. I signed up for two classes which were one after the other, and found out that the second one was on a campus which was 40 minutes away by metro. Not ideal. None of us can teleport either, so make sure you have time to get to your classes. Finally, check the assessment type. If you struggle with exams, try not to take courses which have a heavy set of exams; if you're bad at coursework, do the opposite. 

Cater to you
It's not always possible to sign up just for classes you think you will enjoy, because they might clash. That said, try and find as many classes that fit into your timetable that you will actually enjoy. Studying in a new language is hard enough as it is; you don't need the added annoyance of being bored in every single class you go to. It makes it harder to concentrate, harder to revise, and harder to pass. If you've centred your degree at home around Culture, and you enjoy it, then do the same abroad. If you've focused it on Linguistics or Translation, do the same. 

Plan ahead
Chances are, you're going to need to go across a few campuses or at least a few different buildings to get your sign-up completed. I had to go to two different campuses over the course of 2 weeks, and see 5 or 6 different people before I got mine done. This is especially true if you're studying two languages, and need to sign up for classes in the language you aren't working on at the moment. For example, I study French and German, so in Paris, I had to sign up for a German course to keep my level of German up. The trick is to plan ahead - make sure you know the office hours of the people you need to see, where they are, and how to get there. It's not fun turning up to an office that is already closed, or knowing who you need to see but not know how to get to them. Before you leave to get your forms signed, sealed and delivered, make sure you've planned your trip.

Don't overload yourself
Make sure that you have at least a quick glance at the reading for each course you sign up for. I wasn't wise enough to do this before I signed up, and now realise I've got a hefty list of about 12 books to read this semester. If you're a fast or keen reader, no problem. If you're not, big problem. Check yourself before you wreck yourself.


I'm sure there are other things that other students would add to the list, but at least if you follow this advice you'll save yourself some hassle!

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